
A nostalgic exploration of time and memory, the Art of Really Living Manifesto is an ode to time and temporal perspective in the form of an 88 line poem set to music, sound, video and imagery.

Want to know how to slow, stop and reverse the perceived acceleration of time and live summers that last as long as when you were a child? Watch to learn how...

STRENGTHS: TEDx NAPERVILLE 2012: Applying design thinking to strengths & designing around weaknesses

TIME: TEDx NAPERVILLE 2014: How to Live Forever - Designing a Life Around Experiences Rather Than Chronological Time

Video has been in production for 18 months and should complete by mid-summer 2016. Here's the first of 10 stanzas.

A fun interview with Rebecca Jarvis of ABC on funding olympic dreams, crowdfunding, sacrifices, sleeping in haystacks, and other stories.