2006 Race Report #12: Elk Grove

Race Report Elk Grove Pro-Am Challenge, August 13, 2006. 100km.  After warming down from the crash and checking my body for problems (minor roadrash on my shoulder, a few considerable bruises that showed up days later) I went over to registration and paid my $55 entry fee for the Pro Am race later in the afternoon. I was quite excited to have my second shot at the professionals, on a course that, as it turns out, was fairly well suited to my strengths. 

Meanwhile my plan was to head back to my friend Matt’s house where I had left my daughter to play with his children, spend some time with her, and then we were all going to head over together for the pro race.  Just minutes after registering, I received a call from my wife (who was having a relaxing weekend to herself back in Madison) that Kat was “homesick.”

Kat had asked to call home and was upset when she talked to Shannon. I drove back to Matt’s house to find her slightly feverish and with a stomach-ache. I sat on Matt’s couch and cradled her sweaty head and warm limbs in my lap for a ½ hour and then ‘called it’ deciding to head back up to Madison and home.

Katelina was definitely not in a mode to spend 3 hours outside in the heat at a bike race without her mama or papa around.  Fatherhood before racing, so I packed her in the car and we headed back and the race went on without me.

My next shot at the pros would have to come at Downer’s Grove the following weekend… Til then, John