Posts tagged chronoception
So You Want to be a Keynote Speaker...
johnkcoylepublic speaking, keynote speaker, john k coyle, how to prepare a talk, should you become a speaker, strengths, time, time expansion, the time guy, chronoception, kairos, chronos
Why Conventional Wisdom About Slowing Time Won't Work...
How the Greeks Hacked Time: Kairos Versus Chronos
johnkcoyle#thetimeguy, kairosnotchronos, chronoception, chronos, kairos, strengths, really living, the art of really living, strengths speaker, time summit, time expansion summit
Why You Should Design Fear and Suffering Into Your Vacations
johnkcoylejohn k coyle speaker, time speaker, time speech, time management speaker, manipulating cognitive time, experiential time, chronoception, kairos, chronos, temporal perspective, why does time speed up, chronological time, making time, killing time, time maximization, maximizing time, summers as a kid, how to live forever, monomyth, the hero’s journey, never quit, neuropsychology of time, design thinking expert, design thinking speaker, innovation speaker